@article{oai:tsukuba-tech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000741, author = {伊藤, 裕二 and Itoh, Yuji and 漆畑, 俊哉 and Urushihata, Toshiya and 佐久間, 亨 and Sakuma, Toru and 池宗, 佐知子 and Ikemune, Sachiko and 東條, 正典 and Tojo, Masanori and 三宅, 輝久 and Miyake, Teruhisa and 高橋, 洋 and Takahashi, Hiroshi and 大越, 教夫 and Ohkoshi, Norio and 石塚, 和重 and Ishizuka, Kazushige and 小野, 束 and Ono, Tsukasa}, journal = {NTUT Education of Disabilities}, month = {Mar}, note = {This report describes a Web application intended for visually impaired users. Today hundreds of millions of people benefit from the Internet (or the World Wide Web), which is the greatest source of information in the world. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has set the guidelines for Web content accessibility, which allows visually impaired people to access and use Web contents. However, many of Web sites do not yet follow these guidelines. Thus, we propose a Web application system that collects desired data related to a specific topic as an agent (i.e., in place of the visually impaired person), stores the collected information in a database, and presents it to the user as per the user's choice of color and font size. We have implemented this system using a Web crawler, and a simple Web database technology that runs on an open source Wiki platform. This system is, then, applied to a career support, namely job opportunity database, for visually impaired students as a pilot project. A test tool confirmed that the system is compliant with the rules and guidelines for Web content accessibility.}, pages = {13--20}, title = {Development of Web Crawler and Database System for Visually Impaired Students - An Application to Career Support Web System -}, volume = {8}, year = {2010}, yomi = {イトウ, ユウジ and ウルシハタ, トシヤ and サクマ, トオル and イケムネ, サチコ and トウジョウ, マサノリ and ミヤケ, テルヒサ and タカハシ, ヒロシ and オオコシ, ノリオ and イシズカ, カズシゲ and オノ, ツカサ} }