@article{oai:tsukuba-tech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000732, author = {平賀, 瑠美 and Hiraga, Rumi}, journal = {NTUT Education of Disabilities}, month = {Mar}, note = {We investigated the relationship between movement and conveying emotion with moving images. Using our software system for generating moving images, we prepared eight movements from the Vertex Noise moving effect that consists of the three elements of speed, density, and strength. We assigned each element different values, then combined the movements with still images and sound data to generate moving images. Subjects looked at moving images without sound and determined whether they felt certain emotions. The results showed that higher density value affects the conveyance of emotions with moving images, and strength distinguishes the conveyance of anger from that of fear and sadness. Anger is the most recognizable emotion, and fear and sadness are difficult to distinguish using movements.}, pages = {1--3}, title = {On the Relationship between Movement and Emotion}, volume = {10}, year = {2012}, yomi = {ヒラガ, ルミ} }