@article{oai:tsukuba-tech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000730, author = {三浦, 貴大 and Miura, Takahiro and 松坂, 治男 and Matsuzaka, Haruo and 坂尻, 正次 and Sakajiri, Masatsugu and 巽, 久行 and Tatsumi, Hisayuki and 小野, 束 and Ono, Tsukasa}, journal = {NTUT Education of Disabilities}, month = {Mar}, note = {With the spread of touchscreen computers, the accessibility of touchscreen interfaces for the visually impaired population should also be ensured. Although some of this population have an interest in the technology and own touchscreen computers, their usage conditions and computer requirements have not been investigated. Specifically, the following questions concerning this population’s use of touchscreen computers remain unanswered. What kinds of inconveniences have they experienced when using them? What kinds of functions do they require? Why do some members of this population avoid using touchscreens despite their interest in them? In order to develop and spread a user-friendly interface for visually impaired people, it is necessary not only to study their ability to access touchscreen computers, but also to investigate the current situation pertaining to these devices with regard to this population. In this report, our objective is to demonstrate visually impaired people’s usage conditions and their requirements of touchscreen interfaces, such as smartphones and tablet computers. These issues are investigated through a questionnaire survey whose subjects were visually impaired Japanese people. Some of the results indicated that: most visually impaired people would like to use touchscreen computers; most owners used their touchscreens by means of screen readers, regardless of their visual condition; and dynamic and stable tactile feedback can be effective.}, pages = {16--22}, title = {A questionnaire survey on usage of and requirements for touchscreen interfaces among the Japanese visually impaired population}, volume = {11}, year = {2013}, yomi = {ミウラ, タカヒロ and マツザカ, ハルオ and サカジリ, マサツグ and タツミ, ヒサユキ and オノ, ツカサ} }