@article{oai:tsukuba-tech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000716, author = {坂尻, 正次 and Sakajiri, Masatsugu and 三好, 茂樹 and Miyoshi, Shigeki and 大西, 淳児 and Onishi, Junji and 小野, 束 and Ono, Tsukasa and Ifukube, Tohru and Ifukube, Tohru}, journal = {NTUT Education of Disabilities}, month = {Mar}, note = {Those who are deafblind and hearing impaired cannot perceive their own voice pitch, and thus have difficulty controlling it. In particular, while singing, it is very difficult for them to control their voice pitch because they need to maintain a stable tone. Hence, we developed a tactile voice pitch control system using a two-dimensional tactile display to assist such people with singing. In a previous study, two deafblind participants used the proposed system to control their voice pitch with accuracy that was comparable to that of children who can hear. While auditory and proprioceptive feedback are significant cues for controlling pitch, tactile and proprioceptive feedback were used to control voice pitch. In the present study, we investigate the proprioceptive pitch control and effect of the proposed voice pitch control system on normal-hearing people under conditions of added noise. We describe the outline of these results.}, pages = {13--16}, title = {Singing Accuracy of Hearing Persons Using a Tactile Voice Pitch Feedback System}, volume = {14}, year = {2016}, yomi = {サカジリ, マサツグ and ミヨシ, シゲキ and オオニシ, ジュンジ and オノ, ツカサ} }