@article{oai:tsukuba-tech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001950, author = {若月, 大輔 and Wakatsuki, Daisuke and 加藤, 伸子 and Kato, Nobuko and 小林, 真 and Kobayashi, Makoto and 宮城, 愛美 and Miyagi, Manabi and 北村, 正美 and Kitamura, Masami and 生田目, 美紀 and Namatame, Miki}, journal = {NTUT Education of Disabilities}, month = {Mar}, note = {Deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) people often lose the opportunity to learn and enjoy interactive live presentations in museums using voice and sound. We focused on an aquarium live show with cheering and tried to provide captions of trainers’ and narrators’ voices to DHH people’s smartphones. Speech recognition was not available because the venue was very noisy. We manually typed text for captions. Because typing Japanese with Kana–Kanji conversion is more complicated than typing English, we used a special system that we developed. This system allows two or more people to take turns inputting text in real time. Captions can be viewed on participants’ smartphones. Fourteen participants answered some questionnaire items. The results of the experiment suggest the following. Participants were able to enjoy the live show more with the help of real-time captions. However, the usability of captions was low. Several participants noted that they strongly felt the caption delay when trainers and other spectators interact and that they did not have time to read long captions. Our future work is to optimize caption delay and length.}, pages = {1--4}, title = {Live Aquarium Show Information Support for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People}, volume = {17}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ワカツキ, ダイスケ and カトウ, ノブコ and コバヤシ, マコト and ミヤギ, マナビ and キタムラ, マサミ and ナマタメ, ミキ} }