@article{oai:tsukuba-tech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001259, author = {野口, 栄太郎 and Noguchi, Eitaro and 大沢, 秀雄 and Ohsawa, Hideo and 高木, 健太郎 and Takagi, Kentaro}, issue = {6}, journal = {The journal of physiological sciences:JPS}, month = {}, note = {The journal of physiological sciences:JPS}, pages = {421--427}, title = {Neural mechanism of localized changes in skeletal muscle blood flow caused by moxibustion-like thermal stimulation of anesthetized rats.}, volume = {59}, year = {2009}, yomi = {ノグチ, エイタロウ and オオサワ, ヒデオ and タカギ, ケンタロウ} }